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In our research and travels, we look for resources that support teaching and learning experiences that are student-centered, engagement-based, fueled by relationships, and grounded in a deep commitment to equity and social justice.  Feel free to explore the whole library or click on one of our indicators of Radically Reimagined Relationships to narrow your search. We hope our Resource Library is helpful to you in your work!

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Encouraging Students to Develop Resilience

May 3, 2019

Encouraging Students to Develop Resilience

Daniel Vollrath


Helping students move through difficult emotions like frustration and shame is vital work. This article from Edutopia provides tips on helping students take the next steps to resilience.

The Danger of Claiming That Relationships Can't Scale

May 2, 2019

The Danger of Claiming That Relationships Can't Scale

Julia Freeland Fisher

Clayton Christensen Institute

Fisher argues against the claims of NYT columnist David Brooks and others that "relationships do not scale"--she is worried this will mean high-quality relationships are boutique experiences for only certain kinds of schools.

The Pursuit of Happiness is a Noble Goal for 21st Century Education

April 22, 2019

The Pursuit of Happiness is a Noble Goal for 21st Century Education

David Ross

Getting Smart

Striking a Balance: SEL Skills and Access to Relationships

April 18, 2019

Striking a Balance: SEL Skills and Access to Relationships

Julia Freeland Fisher

Clayton Christensen Institute

In this article, the author makes an important distinction between "relationships skills" (SEL as it is commonly understood and taught") and "relationship access." She writes, "We need to interrogate the “social” in social emotional learning. Teaching social skills is critical; but I often find myself wondering whether said SEL skill development is occurring in a vacuum from schools brokering new and authentic relationships."

Culture Before Curriculum

April 8, 2019

Culture Before Curriculum

Andrew Hammond


Our children are more than the sum of their school grades. Behind every exam result lies a whole person with incalculable, untapped potential and myriad facets and capacities just waiting to be discovered. What a child shows she knows in school is not an accurate measure of her lifelong learning ability or her human potential.

Assume Good Intentions--Lessons for Responsive Family Engagement

March 30, 2019

Assume Good Intentions--Lessons for Responsive Family Engagement

Amanda Winkelsas

Getting Smart

How to unlock students’ internal drive for learning

March 27, 2019

How to unlock students’ internal drive for learning

Tara García Mathewson

The Hechinger Report

In this article, the author explores how a focus on grades and external rewards can dampen students' engagement and motivation, or shut it down completely: "Intrinsic motivators can be key to student achievement – but extrinsic motivation dominates classrooms"

Lessons in Leadership (profile of Fall Creek supt)

March 19, 2019

Lessons in Leadership (profile of Fall Creek supt)

Roger Riddell

Education Dive

Dear White Teachers: You Can't Love Your Black Students If You Don't Know Them

March 18, 2019

Dear White Teachers: You Can't Love Your Black Students If You Don't Know Them

Bettina Love

Education Week

Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter

March 12, 2019

Why Teacher-Student Relationships Matter

Sarah Sparks


Education watchers have long known that the relationship with a teacher can be critically important to how well students learn. But emerging research is giving a clearer picture than ever of how teachers can build and leverage strong relationships with their students.

Playing to Learn: How a pedagogy of play can enliven the classroom, for students of all ages

March 11, 2019

Playing to Learn: How a pedagogy of play can enliven the classroom, for students of all ages

Grace Tatter

Usable Knowledge

“We want students to feel they have agency, and it’s really hard to imagine someone who doesn’t have agency instilling it in someone else,” says Ben Martell, a researcher with Project Zero in this article about the power of playfulness (and agency) in learning.

How Mastery-Based Learning Can Help Students of Every Background Succeed

March 11, 2019

How Mastery-Based Learning Can Help Students of Every Background Succeed

Amadou Diallo

The Hechinger Report

Becoming expert at something requires consistent practice, with room for mistakes, setbacks, and revision. Mastery-based schools work in a similar way, with an emphasis on feedback, revision, and progress over time, rather than on a single assessment or standardized test.

Unlocking the Science of Motivation

March 7, 2019

Unlocking the Science of Motivation

Grace Tatter

Usable Knowledge

What motivates us as humans and as students? In this article from Usable Knowledge, key elements of motivation are explored (spoiler: it's not the extrinsic stuff). As the author puts it, ""Despite the common misperception that some people just naturally have or lack motivation, science shows that the nature of caregiving relationships and opportunities for safe exploration affect the development of these systems — for better or for worse."

If all of that testing had been improving us, we would have been the highest-achieving nation in the world. Here’s what does work in school reform.

March 4, 2019

If all of that testing had been improving us, we would have been the highest-achieving nation in the world. Here’s what does work in school reform.

Valerie Strauss

Washington Post

In this recent column from the Washington Post, Education writer Valerie Strauss talks to Linda Darling Hammond about which education policies really help students. Surprise, surprise, standardized tests requirements aren't one of them.

Collaborative Leadership for Thriving Teams

March 1, 2019

Collaborative Leadership for Thriving Teams

Jeff Austin, et al.

Education Evolving

This white paper offers practical guidance to administrators in teacher-powered schools in the areas of managing conflict, teacher evaluation and feedback, leadership style, and more.

Developing Confidence Through Delayed Grading

February 28, 2019

Developing Confidence Through Delayed Grading



We've been thinking a lot about cooking and what makes it an engaging endeavor for us. Why are we motivated to attempt an imperfect dish a second or a third time? This video from Edutopia seems related. It's about giving students time to make mistakes, learn from them, edit, revise, and revise again, all before giving a grade.

What Are We Losing By Keeping Students On Track?

February 6, 2019

What Are We Losing By Keeping Students On Track?

Elliot Washor

Education Reimagined

Understanding a Teacher’s Long-Term Impact

February 4, 2019

Understanding a Teacher’s Long-Term Impact

Youki Terada


Teachers who help students improve noncognitive skills such as self-regulation raise their grades and likelihood of graduating from high school more than teachers who help them improve their standardized test scores do.

Why Mindfulness And Trauma-Informed Teaching Don't Always Go Together

January 27, 2019

Why Mindfulness And Trauma-Informed Teaching Don't Always Go Together

Katrina Schwartz


Education Equity: Setting the Context for a Robust Conversation

January 22, 2019

Education Equity: Setting the Context for a Robust Conversation

Ulcca Joshi Hansen

Education Reimagined

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