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In our research and travels, we look for resources that support teaching and learning experiences that are student-centered, engagement-based, fueled by relationships, and grounded in a deep commitment to equity and social justice.  Feel free to explore the whole library or click on one of our indicators of Radically Reimagined Relationships to narrow your search. We hope our Resource Library is helpful to you in your work!

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CDC: Childhood Trauma is a Public Health Issue and We Can Do More to Prevent It

November 5, 2019

CDC: Childhood Trauma is a Public Health Issue and We Can Do More to Prevent It

Rhitu Chatterjee


The CDC issued research showing that a significant percentage of young people are affected by childhood trauma and that it has long-lasting health effects. Among the factors that can ameliorate the effects are caring relationships with trusted adults at school.

What is Whole Child Education

November 1, 2019

What is Whole Child Education

Rebecca Bauer & Helen Westmoreland

Center for Family Engagement/National PTA

Family Guide to Fostering Whole Child Development

November 1, 2019

Family Guide to Fostering Whole Child Development

Rebecca Bauer & Helen Westmoreland

Center for Family Engagement/National PTA

4 Things Principals Can Do (and 4 Things They Shouldn't) to Build Relationships with Teachers

October 15, 2019

4 Things Principals Can Do (and 4 Things They Shouldn't) to Build Relationships with Teachers

Madeline Will

Education Week

The article offers an array of commonsense strategies that school leaders can use to build trust and shared purpose among a school staff.

6 Strategies For Dealing With ‘Difficult’ Students

October 14, 2019

6 Strategies For Dealing With ‘Difficult’ Students

Dr. Allen Mendler

TeachThought We Grow Teachers

In the blog this week, Kris will be reflecting on how mistakes and imperfect moments can become opportunities to strengthen relationships. Many of the tips in this article also underscore relationships as key to working with challenging situations in the classroom.

10 Strategies for Schools to Improve Parent Engagement

October 5, 2019

10 Strategies for Schools to Improve Parent Engagement

Jennifer Larson

Getting Smart

The article outlines multiple factors that are making it more challenging for schools to communicate with parents, and offers 10 strategies to communicate in a timely, positive, effective way.

Stories from the Field: Fostering Strong Relationships

October 2, 2019

Stories from the Field: Fostering Strong Relationships

Akira Gutierrez and Katie Buckley

Transforming Education

This brief summarizes research about the benefits of strong teacher-student relationships, as well as offering a few practical strategies for strengthening these at the classroom level.

Family Engagement Rubric

October 1, 2019

Family Engagement Rubric

Flamboyan Foundation

A detailed rubric covering three major areas important to family engagement, with four stages of growth articularted for each.

The 3 Secrets to Scandanavian Innovation in Education

September 24, 2019

The 3 Secrets to Scandanavian Innovation in Education

Kyle Wagner

Getting Smart

This article explores how Nordic schools are ensuring work-life balance, prioritizing relationships, and creating egalitarian school communities. Especially noteworthy is how time is used within a school day and across a school year.

How to Survive the First Year of Learner-Centered Transformation (Hint: It's All About the People)

September 24, 2019

How to Survive the First Year of Learner-Centered Transformation (Hint: It's All About the People)

Dr. Suzanne Freeman

Education Reimagined

This article describes lessons learned in the first year of Pike Road Schools in AL, specifically how they supported older learners who weren't used to engagement-based practices; staff who needed help with learner-centered lesson design; and parents who had questions and wanted to be more engaged.

The new 10th-grade MCAS is tougher--and it shows

September 24, 2019

The new 10th-grade MCAS is tougher--and it shows

James Vaznis

The Boston Globe

Accountability for students, teachers, and schools is important, but to what are we holding them accountable? This article from The Boston Globe touts an increased level of difficulty in standardized testing in Massachusetts, but it also begs questions around what testing is for and what makes a test rigorous.
Read the article, and let us know your thoughts on standardized testing.

How to Artfully Enroll Parents in Learner-Centered Transformation

September 20, 2019

How to Artfully Enroll Parents in Learner-Centered Transformation

Marie Banks

Education Reimagined

A quick read about how one elementary school engaged families as it transformed the school model to be more progressive and student-driven.

The Evolution of a Trauma-Informed School

September 13, 2019

The Evolution of a Trauma-Informed School

Alex Shevrin Venet


An interview with a school principal two years after the school began implementing trauma-informed practices--great piece about organizational change and the evolution of their thinking about how best to support a specific population of students.

Here's Why We Must Open Schools to Authentic Parent Partnership

September 11, 2019

Here's Why We Must Open Schools to Authentic Parent Partnership

Dr. Landon Mascareñaz

Education Post

The article describes the pitfalls of "closed" education systems that keep families and community members at arm's length, and what truly "open" systems might do differently.

A ‘curvier’ high school swimmer won — only to be disqualified because of a ‘suit wedgie’

September 11, 2019

A ‘curvier’ high school swimmer won — only to be disqualified because of a ‘suit wedgie’

Antonia Noori Farzan

Washington Post

This news story about a female swimmer who was disqualified for the way her team suit fit has been making the rounds in the past few days. It's an important one, (and the impetus for Sara's blog on Wednesday) so we're highlighting one of the earlier stories today.

5 Ideal Traits Of A Project-Based Learning Teache

September 10, 2019

5 Ideal Traits Of A Project-Based Learning Teache

TeachThought staff

Project-based learning or inquiry-based learning can be done in many different ways. As we have traveled the country visiting classrooms (#EngagingSchools), we have seen many different approaches. One of the most important shifts toward a more inquiry-based or project-based classroom may be for the teacher to get comfortable giving up some control in the classroom. As Mike Kaechele summarizes it in this article: “Less of us (teachers), more of them (students).”

In an All-Gender Cabin, Summer Campers ‘Don’t Have to Hide

August 23, 2019

In an All-Gender Cabin, Summer Campers ‘Don’t Have to Hide

Dan Levin


This article helps illustrate an important aspect of Radically Reimagined Relationships: the safety and space to be our true selves

Teaching About Controversial Issues: A Resource Guide

August 22, 2019

Teaching About Controversial Issues: A Resource Guide

Choices Program

Brown University

Teachers play a vital role in helping students navigate our complex world. Many students view their classrooms as places to become more informed about controversial issues and to consider alternative perspectives. It is essential for students to have opportunities to interact with peers who hold opposing views in order to understand others’ positions and practice civil discourse skills.

Parents, it’s okay for your kids to see you missing them. It might even be a good thing.

August 15, 2019

Parents, it’s okay for your kids to see you missing them. It might even be a good thing.

Jonita Davis

The Washington Post

A perspective piece from the Washington Post, reminding parents that while letting go is necessary, it's okay to acknowledge how hard it is.

Eight pieces of wisdom for parents sending a child off to college

August 9, 2019

Eight pieces of wisdom for parents sending a child off to college

Joanna Nesbit

The Washington Post

For many families, sending kids out into the world for the first time - for college or other endeavors - brings an array of emotions. We appreciated the advice in this perspective piece from The Washington Post. It really comes down to imparting the message "You've got this!" and having faith that they do.

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