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In our research and travels, we look for resources that support teaching and learning experiences that are student-centered, engagement-based, fueled by relationships, and grounded in a deep commitment to equity and social justice.  Feel free to explore the whole library or click on one of our indicators of Radically Reimagined Relationships to narrow your search. We hope our Resource Library is helpful to you in your work!

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How Small Steps Can Create Outdoors Experiences In Schools

February 2, 2017

How Small Steps Can Create Outdoors Experiences In Schools

Leah Shafer


How can outdoor experiences (even simple ones!) help make work more engrossing and meaningful?

Contributing to a Better World--Courageous Conversations

January 1, 2017

Contributing to a Better World--Courageous Conversations

EL Education

Finding Success in Failure: STEM Educators Say Student Risk-Taking is the Key to Real-World Learning

December 12, 2016

Finding Success in Failure: STEM Educators Say Student Risk-Taking is the Key to Real-World Learning

Kate Stringer

The 74

Taking Small Steps Towards Change At A Big, Traditional High School

November 29, 2016

Taking Small Steps Towards Change At A Big, Traditional High School

Katrina Schwartz


Change does not always come quickly and sometimes a major overhaul of a system isn't realistic. But small, doable changes can yield big results.

How Discrimination Shapes Parent-Teacher Communication

November 15, 2016

How Discrimination Shapes Parent-Teacher Communication

Melinda Anderson

The Atlantic

This article, which meets at the intersection of parental communication and equity, is a great read for teachers and administrators. How do you choose who to communicate with and what kind of issue warrants communication?

Kandice Sumner: How America's public schools keep kids in poverty (TED)

November 1, 2016

Kandice Sumner: How America's public schools keep kids in poverty (TED)

Kandice Sumner


Improving Academics: Why School Climate Matters

November 1, 2016

Improving Academics: Why School Climate Matters

Kat Lonsdorf


As we visit schools, we get a glimpse into every school's unique culture. What does the building feel like as we walk through the halls and drop in on classes? How do the adults and the students speak to each other? What ison the walls? What is the energy in the building like? This article from Mindshift explores the culture of Wiener Elementary School in Arkansas - and makes us want to visit.

CASEL: Measuring SEL

October 1, 2016

CASEL: Measuring SEL


Listening Isn’t Cheating: How Audio Books Can Help Us Learn

August 18, 2016

Listening Isn’t Cheating: How Audio Books Can Help Us Learn

Ki Sung


Give the kid a pencil

August 4, 2016

Give the kid a pencil

Chad Donohue

How many of us have ever shown up to a meeting and needed to borrow a pen? Or a notepad? And was it a big deal? In this article, a teacher describes how giving a student a pencil often as necessary is a part of treating the student like a human being, a human person who probably has a lot of different things going on, and who maybe, just needs a pencil.

Brain Basics

July 19, 2016

Brain Basics

University of Washington

University of Washington

In this article from the Washington Post, Education writer Valerie Strauss talks to Linda Darling Hammond about what education policies really help students. Surprise, surprise, standardized tests requirements aren't one of them.

Why Discipline Should Be Aligned With A School's Learning Philosophy

July 12, 2016

Why Discipline Should Be Aligned With A School's Learning Philosophy

Katrina Schwartz


As school communities, are we sending consistent messages about what we believe and the policies we have in place? When reimagined relationships are central to a school community's functioning, all aspects of school life - including discipline - must be aligned with that value.

A 4-Part System for Getting to Know Your Students

July 10, 2016

A 4-Part System for Getting to Know Your Students

Jennifer Gonzalez

Cult of Pedagogy

Jennifer Gonzalez's Cult of Pedagogy work provides many good resources for teachers and other school-based folk. This piece outlines how she goes about building relationships with her students; she also provides downloadable tools to help systematize the process.

How to Turn Compliant Learners into Engaged Learners

June 24, 2016

How to Turn Compliant Learners into Engaged Learners

Allison Zmuda

As we talk to teachers and school leaders, one of the questions that interests us most is "How do you tell the difference between a compliant learner and an engaged learner?". In this blog post, Allison Zmuda includes an insightful chart that distinguishes between compliance behaviors and engagement behaviors (whether the learner is a teacher or a student).

Konmari for the Classroom

June 1, 2016

Konmari for the Classroom

Stephanie Richardson


Kris talked about digital organization in her blog post this week, and the Konmari Method is all the rage between Marie Kondo's book and her Netflix show. Here's a fun take on how you can apply those principles to your classroom.

Leadership for Teaching and Learning

June 1, 2016

Leadership for Teaching and Learning

Barnett Berry and Kim Farris-Berg

AFT: American Educator

Try: A Little Word Becomes a Big Gift

May 2, 2016

Try: A Little Word Becomes a Big Gift

Karine Veldhoen


It can be difficult for students to step out of their comfort zones in the classroom, and it can be difficult for teachers, too. In this article, the author encourages teachers to take a risk and try something new. "Taking a risk can pay off in exhilaration, affirmation, and inspiration. Step outside your comfort zone to improve your practice and grow as a teacher."

Taking the Pulse of Partnership Rubric

May 1, 2016

Taking the Pulse of Partnership Rubric

UP for Learning

A very helpful rubric and reflection tool to assess the quality of youth-adult partnerships in a school.

Top 10 Skills Middle School Students Need to Thrive and How Parents Can Help

February 29, 2016

Top 10 Skills Middle School Students Need to Thrive and How Parents Can Help

Phyllis L. Fagell

Washington Post

The school season is about to get underway, and Kris and I have both been thinking about middle school (more about that in Kris's blog post on Wednesday). Here's an article with advice for parents on how to help their kids learn important skills during those years.

Reshma Saujani: Teach girls bravery, not perfection

February 1, 2016

Reshma Saujani: Teach girls bravery, not perfection

Reshma Saujani


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